Sunday 31 March 2013

April Fools Day

First of all, Happy April Fools for all~

Clik into this link:

Haha, dun blame me! Just a pre-test for u all not to be fool 2morrow!
I am here to remind u all~ how nice I am, rite? LOL

What are u planning for 2morrow festival?

Here I got 10 ideas suggestion for u^^



The most common April Fools Idea tat we can c is the cream of OREO is substitute by toothpaste. This idea is not creative aldy, so we ignore it~ Juz remember dun eat Oreo 2morrow =p


Silly pranks for April Fool’s Day
Borrow some money from your friend and say u will pay him today.
Then, go to his home toilet and paste the money on tat. If he didn't notice, he will use his money to...LOL

Idea 2:

Put sharp pins on toilet bowl as many as u can^^ (but I think it is dangerous, so  think twice before u do tat!) I am juz giving idea =p
把尖尖的钉子放在马桶座上,然后……(不过个人觉得这个方法有点过火了,可能会有危险。所以做之前三思吧XD 后果自负=p

Idea 3:

This pic is clear enough I think. Put this at anywhere to scare your friend^^ Enjoy it
上面的图画应该很清楚了吧?把这个方在你朋友容易看到的地方,吓吓他们吧^^ 看起来真的够恶心

Idea 4:

April Fools Pranks- Solid Milk

Idea 5:

April Fools Pranks- Drinking Glue

Idea 6:


Idea 7:

Apply some essential baln on your pen, but dun too much.Then, ask your friend write a word for u (say u forgot about the word). Wait he finished the word, his fingers must stick with the essential baln. Tell him there was something on his eyes. He will used his hand to rub his eyes automatically. Then... Guess wat will happen?
先在钢笔上涂上“风油精”,不要太多。然后去给一个人:请帮我写个X字,我忘了怎么写了。 他用此钢笔写完后,右手几根手指自然就有风油精了。 然后假装关心的说:啊!你的右眼里有很大一块眼屎啊。 他自然用右手去揉右眼,然后... ...

Idea 8:

Paste a poster on your school notice board about a big company activity! The company will organised an activity at your school and need some ppl for help. The salary is high per day and who interest in tat pls go to xxx room for register. 
Next day, we will realize tat many ppl are crowded in front of your room~haha
Open the door and say " Happy April Fools "! Interesting rite?


Idea 9:


  突然,一个大浪头打过来,把船浆给劈头打成两节. !

Idea 10:

Since all of us are preparing and ready for April Fools Day。 I Think the most useful idea is tell them a real thing and dun talk it seriously. Moreover, mention the thing very freuenly in the day and repeat to say tat it is a very important and true!

 叫你的朋友先扎个马步,姿势要正确,嘴里叼张白纸,注意这是发功前的姿势,接着你要把他从这个房间变到另一房间,一切准备就绪,你可以很无奈的说上这么一句话:“ 大变活人嘛!我是不会了,不过活人大便就是这样。”

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